Listen to single “Outrun the Moon” | Lucero

Listen to single “Outrun the Moon”

“Outrun the Moon”, like some other songs on the new album, has a young girl as the main character. I think the fact that I spend a lot of my time now with my young daughter is showing through in some of my songwriting.

I’d been toying around with writing murder-ballads for a project Memphis filmmaker Mike McCarthy is working on. I ended up using some of those lyrics as a starting point for “Outrun the Moon”. The lyrics don’t spell out exactly what happens, and I like that, but the lyrics give you enough to know the girl can take care of herself.

I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from Southern writers like Larry Brown in the past and this song continues that tradition. I had Brown’s novel “Fay” in the back of my mind as I wrote this. The song is not based on the book or anything, it was just an inspiration. Also, I think this song has my favorite Brian Venable guitar solo ever. – Ben

Watch the video here: